
fail2ban inside official MariaDB docker image

cn flag

I am running a docker image mariadb:10.9.2-jammy

I noticed with that I get a lot of brute force logging attempts cluttering my logs when I do docker logs mariadb

Is it possible to implement something like fail2ban inside my image ? I know it works for ssh connections but I am not sure if it would work for mysql connections too ?

vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Do you *really* need MariaDB to be publicly accessible? Normally it's restricted to same machine or a small set of other machines. Running it over the open Internet is kinda hazardous...
jotyhista avatar
cn flag
@vidarlo yes I need for administration with special unique account but Root access is only enabled on localhost and my app connects with LAN.
vidarlo avatar
ar flag
If it's for administration, a ssh tunnel must be possible? `ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 [email protected]`?
jotyhista avatar
cn flag
@vidarlo this is what Im doing already; humm... Maybe Im missing something and need somehow to disconnect it completely from the web ? Not sure how; I just have my port 3306:3306 exposed in my docker compose
vidarlo avatar
ar flag
You should *not* expose mysql to the internet.
danblack avatar
dz flag
If using compose, you don't need to expose as those on the same network are visible. This can include a sshd container, with an expose and authorized keys only, for your port forwarding.
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