
one public IP Address same service (https) for two website is working (different Domain name)

la flag

One Public IP Address giving same service for two web site (Different DNS). - - 443 - - 443 One public IP can give 443 to one Web site (URL), How it is possible to two url same service (443)?

Nikita Kipriyanov avatar
za flag
Have you tried doing your own research? Even ServerFault has **many** answers covering this topic. It is strange to see here somebody who had never heard of SNI.
sujith sankar avatar
la flag
Thanks. I was never heard SNI SSL. Today only I got the information about SNI SSL. Thanks once again.
us flag

May be Apache configuration is not correct, NameVirtuahost not enabled in old apache server version.

####################################### NameVirtualHost *:80 ####################################### <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /htdocs/xyz ####################################### <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /htdocs/abc #######################################

if you are using https connection then NameVirtual host can be configured in /conf.d/ssl.conf

sujith sankar avatar
la flag
How security appliance will allow from outside one public IP Address and one services (443) to two different Web site Page (Whether it is IIS, Apache or Nginx)

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