
Windows 11 L2TP and IPSEC: Where to set the IpSec group

ie flag

First of all:

We need to connect to an already setup VPN using IPSec Id / Group name:

VPN Data:

  • VPN type: "IPSec" or "IPSec Xauth PSK"
  • Name / Description: Individualized name for the connection
  • Server address / Server:
  • IPSec ID / Group name:
  • IPSec key / Shared secret: sharedkey
  • Username / Account:
  • Password: Password of the user

The input doesn't shows up on our machines:

  • OS Name Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
  • Version 10.0.22000 Build 22000

Is there a register key or anything to setup first?

Is there any VPN Client able to fit the requirement and that could be use by an entreprise ?

Does anybody already find a solution to this problem on Windows 11?

ao flag

The only IPsec related Windows built-in VPN clients are:

  • IPsec IKEv2
  • L2TP/IPsec

Windows has no built-in IPsec IKEv1 Xauth (Cisco-style) VPN client.

Some people recommend the Shrew Soft VPN Client for Windows, in particular the Standard edition which can be used for either personal or commercial use:

see the following doc on how to configure the Shrew Soft VPN client for Mutual PSK + XAuth :

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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