
How do I calculate how many eDTU I need?

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I currently have four on-premise SQL Server instances (all replicated) each with between 3 and 5 production databases in them which I want to migrate to a single Azure SQL elastic pool.

How do I calculate how many eDTU I am currently using for my on-premise instances? The Azure DTU calculator which I have seen many references to appears to be down.

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  1. The website mentioned above has changed to

  2. The script it shares in order to create the log file it needs to analyze your needs didnt work properly for me, it omitted the % Processor Time column (looks like some escape character needed for the "%" character)

logman create counter sql_perflog -c "\Processor(_Total)% Processor Time" "\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Read Bytes/sec" "\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Write Bytes/sec" "\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Reads/sec" "\LogicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Writes/sec" "\Database(svchost)\Log Bytes Write/sec" -si 1 -f csv

So I just commented out the line in their script which deletes the sql_perflog counter after the logging is complete, as below

::logman delete sql_perflog

Then ran the script once so that it created the data collector in Performance Monitor, then opened Performance Monitor (Start -> Run -> perfmon.msc) and navigated to Data Collector Sets -> User Defined where I found sql_perflog and added the % Processor Time column in manually.

enter image description here

Once the logs have been collected for at least an hour, upload to the website mentioned in (1) above and it calculates your requirement.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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