
OpenVPN from Windows machine to remote machine through pfSense, with reverse traffic/routing allowed when connected

mw flag

I've the following scenario:

At MainOffice:

  • firewall PFSENSE with IP WAN:, IP LAN:
  • server MAINSERVER with IP

At SecondOffice:

  • server Windows 2019 ANOTHERSERVER with IP , with an OpenVPN program

How can I configure the OpenVPN server on the PFSENSE in order to:

  1. ANOTHERSERVER must be able to ping/connect to MAINSERVER using the OpenVPN software client --> no problem here
  2. when ANOTHERSERVER has initiated the VPN connection, also MAINSERVER should be able to ping/connect "back" to ANOTHERSERVER

If only (1) is requirecd, then things are easy (setup pfsense openvpn in Remote Access SSL/TLS + User Auth mode).

  • But how can I configure (1) + (2) ?
  • Should I configure the PFSENSE in peer to peer SSL/TLS mode?
  • What kind of .ovpn configuration file is needed on the ANOTHERSERVER machine (pfsense openvpn wizard only works for remote access mode)

I searched a lot but found no specific information.
Thank you in advance


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