
Usijg sudo credentials with veeam and solarwinds times out

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I have a new physical RH 8 server with NIST 800171 policies applied to it. When I try to install Veeam agent from our windows machine, I get an error "Cannot send data because the terminal is not bound to channel" and when I check the logs, it authenticates with the veeam user I created but then times out after 7-8 minutes. It doesnt go any further than the initial login.

Mar 20 12:07:15 SERVER sshd[7879]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user useraccount by (uid=0)
Mar 20 12:07:14 SERVER sshd[7879]: Accepted password for useraccount from port 61036 ssh2
Mar 20 12:07:14 SERVER systemd[7885]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user useraccount by (uid=0)

I get similar issues when pushing down a solarwinds agent. The accounts are in the wheel group and I added the !requiretty option in visudo.

If I push it down using the servers root credentials, it installs fine.

I feel like the issue is where its trying to become root and just times out. I am able to run ssh commands from another server with sudo, just stuff like date and getenforce.

I am at my wits end!

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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