
Store ansible vault password in azure keystore

my flag

At my company we use Azure cloud services. For our local department we want to setup a set of Linux servers. These servers are used to form a test setup.

To setup and maintain these servers we chose to use Ansible. To store secrets such as login details, we use Azure keyvault. Or we can use a ansible-vault encrypted file with the password stored in the Azure keyvault.

This is were the problem is. If we were to perform the following Ansible playbook: (based on this documentation)

- hosts: linux-servers
  connection: local
    - azure.azcollection

    vault_name: <key_vault_name>
    secret_name: <password_name>
    resource_group: <resource_group_name
    vault_uri: <vault_uri_>


  - name: Get decrypt password.
    - name: Get secret value
        vault_uri: "{{ vault_uri }}"
        name: "{{ secret_name }}"
      register: kvSecret

    - name: set secret fact
      set_fact: decrypt_password="{{ kvSecret['secrets'][0]['secret'] }}"

    - name: Output key vault secret
        msg="{{ decrypt_password }}"

  - name: Perform some management stuff
      path: /opt/testfile.ext
      owner: test
      group: test
      mode: '0666'

We are perfectly fine to obtain the password or any other values. However we want to use this obtained password to decrypt the ansible-vault files which contains the login for each of the linux-servers. This works well, as long as we do not use ansible-vault encrypted files, however we do want to use those as they contain the ssh logins for the servers.

From what I read from the documentation, it is only possible to provide the vault password via:

  1. Prompt
  2. File
  3. Script file (python).

My question here is the following. Is there something we are missing? Is it possible to have a role/include precede the overall playbooks to obtain the ansible-vault password and decrypt the files?

Any pointers are alternatives are much appreciated.

ng flag
Why not just store all your secrets in Key Vault, which is more secure than using a file.
Zeitounator avatar
fr flag
Just a note: `3. Script file (python)` <= this is actually wrong, you can use absolutely any executable as long as it returns the password on a single line
Zeitounator avatar
fr flag
`3. Script file (python)` <= this is actually wrong as you can use absolutely any executable as long as 1) its name ends with `-client[.ext]`, 2) it accepts a `--vault-id` parameter 3) It displays any optional needed prompt directly to the TTY 4) it returns the password on stdout. See… for more info. I your case, a script using the `az` client to retrieve the secret in azure key vault shoud do the trick.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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