
How to setup 301 redirections in GCP load balancer?

lk flag

I've setup a static website on GCP using this tutorial. So I have a bucket and a load balancer.

I'm trying to setup URL redirections in the load balancer to avoid BC breaks on old URLs. I want an user arriving to to be redirected to I have a dozen redirections like this to setup.

Is there a way to configure that in the load balancer? Or anywhere else?

I've searched in the routing rules, but I'm expecting a "from" field where I could enter "/foo" and a "destination" field where I could enter "/bar", but I got this:

enter image description here

Or should I use the YAML Path matcher? But I can't find any example of this basic case.

nu flag

There is a possibility of URL redirection in GCP Load balancer and from the information provided by you it is observed that a bucket and a Global HTTPs Load balancer were created in your environment.

To proceed with the URL redirection, you can add configuration to a URL map so that the map routes traffic to the appropriate service.

Replace the host and path as per the requirement in the below configuration related to url redirection.

  hostRedirect: "" # Omit to keep the requested host
  pathRedirect: "/new-path" # Omit to keep the requested path; mutually exclusive to prefixRedirect
  prefixRedirect: "/newPrefix" # Omit to keep the requested path; mutually exclusive to pathRedirect
  redirectResponseCode: FOUND
  stripQuery: True

For more information please refer to the official documentation.

Gregoire avatar
lk flag
Thank you. I had tried this way, but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to put in "defaultService". Thanks to your answer, I've retried, and using "global/backendBuckets/<the name of my backend bucket>" was the thing I am supposed to do. Thank you!
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