
multipass moving data directory fail

mu flag

I am following: and to move MULTIPASS_STORAGE to another location, but I am not lucky.

I am setting MULTIPASS_STORAGE=/pendrive/multipass:




If I run sudo journalctl -au snap.multipass* I get: Caught an unhandled exception: unable to create directory '/pendrive/multipass/cache'

This is my owner and permission (ls -l):

drwxrwxrwx 2 root multipass 4096 mar 28 22:27 multipass

I have my removable mount point like this: /dev/sdb1 /pendrive If I try sudo snap connect multipass:/pendrive I got error: snap "multipass" has no plug named "/pendrive"

Thank you

by flag

There is a problem with the snap confinment and Multipass, it cant access the /pendrive directory.

Here is how to fix this: first be sure that Multipass is connected sudo snap connect multipass:removable-media then update the file /etc/systemd/system/snap.multipass.multipassd.service.d/override.conf to use the /media instead with this


then set the correct permissions:

sudo mkdir -p /media/pendrive/multipass
sudo chown root:multipass /media/pendrive/multipass
sudo chmod 775 /media/pendrive/multipass

then Update your /etc/fstab file to mount the pendrive under the /media directory: /dev/sdb1 /media/pendrive ...

then replace the ellipsis with the good mount options for your filesystem and restart with this, then this should work:

sudo umount /pendrive
sudo mount /media/pendrive
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart snap.multipass.multipassd.service
Raul Cejas avatar
mu flag
It is very necesary to put my mount point /pendrive bellow /media ? because I should have to change a lot of think not related with multipass
Raul Cejas avatar
mu flag
I implemented you recommend me and it works fine. Thank you
Saxtheowl avatar
by flag
You welcome :) dont forget to accept the question if it solved your problem, also it is not necessary to put your mount point /pendrive below /media
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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