
Php and shell_exec are a good way to process many detached process on a CentOs server?

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During execution of a php webservice, i need to detach a "time consuming function" to maintain a quick response to the user. That's an example of the flow :

enter image description here

I know that php does not manage multi-thread operation by itself, but anyway there are some other methods to works in async way. Googling and here on stackoverflow i have found a possible solution in the shell_exec command.

i have create this example to simulate the flow:


$cmd = 'nohup nice -n 10 php -f '.$urlfile.' > log/file.log & printf "%u" $!';
$pid = shell_exec($cmd);

echo $pid;


 $myfile = fopen($urlfile, "a");
 $txt = time()."\n";
 fwrite($myfile, $txt);

The code is only an example ( it writes into a txt file ) and it works asynchronous.

The flow will be upload on a Centos server with php and mysql installed. In real life timefile.php will execute from 3 to 6 curl call, i can estimate an execution time (for the entire file) of 30 seconds. Timefile.php will not act as a daemon, it will executed without only one time when it is called, so it will not remain open with a infinite while loop for instance.

The webservice ( i hope ) will be call many times ( i can estimate 1000 times each hour ).

My question is :

This approach ( with shell_exec as the example shows ) is advised when there are many call or maybe it leads in server's performance problems (maybe something like zombie alloc or some kind of configured limitation) ? There is a better way to manage this task using php , apache and Centos ?

in flag
This question is better suited for [so], where you already found pointers. Generally a messaging queue is the way to go for such constellations.

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