When I run multipass list I am getting: list failed: failed to determine IP address.
sudo journalctl -u snap.lxd.daemon -n 300
lxd.daemon[3050]: time="2023-04-02T17:03:10-03:00" level=warning msg="Could not get VM state from agent" err="dial unix /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/logs/multipass_amusing-labra>
lxd.daemon[3050]: time="2023-04-02T17:03:11-03:00" level=warning msg="Could not get VM state from agent" err="dial unix /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/logs/multipass_amusing-labra>
lxd.daemon[3050]: time="2023-04-02T17:03:11-03:00" level=warning msg="Failed getting host interface state for MTU" device=eth0 driver=nic err="route ip+net: invalid network
sudo journalctl -au snap.multipass*
Timeout getting response for GET operation on unix://multipass/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/[email protected]/operations/d70c5119-9682-46a4-a5cd-29c5d418a029/wai>
Timeout getting response for GET operation on unix://multipass/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/[email protected]/operations/d70c5119-9682-46a4-a5cd-29c5d418a029/wai>
Caught an unhandled exception: Timeout getting response for GET operation on unix://multipass/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/[email protected]/operations/d70c5119-
I am installing with a removable disk. It worked fine but after I unplug it sent this errors.
thank you