I am trying to use WSL on a server with Windows Server 2019 (Version 1809).
I enabled the WSL feature and can execute the wsl
command in powershell.
PS C:\Users\user> wsl
Windows Subsystem for Linux has no installed distributions.
Distributions can be installed by visiting the Microsoft Store:
It seems that the Microsoft Store Desktop App is not supported by this version of Windows.
I tried to download an appx
package by
curl.exe -L -o ubuntu.appx https://aka.ms/wslubuntu2204
and installing it via Add-AppxPackage
but this gives me the following error:
(base) PS C:\Users\user> Add-AppxPackage ubuntu.appx
Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80080204, The Appx package's manifest is invalid.
error 0xC00CE015: App manifest validation error: The app manifest must be valid as per schema: Line 22, Column 96,
Note: The schema for MaxVersionTested specified does not recognize XML fields with namespace
"http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/10". Please ensure that you have the correct
MaxVersionTested specified. Reason: The attribute
'{http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/10}Parameters' on the element
Is there a way to download and install a Linux distro (preferably Ubuntu) for this version of Windows?
As far I as I can tell I have to stick with WSL version 1 and cannot upgrade to WSL version 2 because my Windows version is too old.