
I can't add any rule to iptables / iptables not saving

ci flag

I want to forward tcp and udp traffic from wireguard ip address ( to, but iptables doesn't want to cooperate.

OS is Oracle Linux 8, I use yum as package manager. Firewall.d is disabled.

iptables -S gives completely different output than cat /etc/iptables/rules

I want to apply few rules like this sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 27015 -j DNAT --to-destination but it doesn't seem to register any changes in iptables - traffic is not routed to

I reinstalled iptables and iptables-service, added rules directly to /etc/iptables/rules. that didn't help

My temporary solution is socat TCP-LISTEN:27015,fork,reuseaddr TCP: - it works but it's not as convenient as iptables.

user1686 avatar
fr flag
Is there a specific reason for using `` instead of the regular ``?
pawikoski avatar
ci flag
Yes, when I host something on it doesn't work under public ip address. But it doesn't matter for my problem with iptables - rule with also won't be saved
user1686 avatar
fr flag
I mean as part of the NAT rule. Sure you would normally configure the service to _listen on_, but that does not mean your clients would _connect to_ – it only means "all addresses" in the context of establishing listeners, not in the context of routing actual packets (where you'd use one of the host's actual addresses instead).
pawikoski avatar
ci flag
ok, I think i get it now. So I want to listen on
user1686 avatar
fr flag
No, your app can listen on as before, but the firewall rule would need to specify (is this a different machine? if it's a different machine, how did you expect "" to lead to it?)
pawikoski avatar
ci flag is the same machine. But I still have problem with saving iptables. I can add any rules and they do not exist
user1686 avatar
fr flag
Are you looking for them in the `-t nat` table?
pawikoski avatar
ci flag
Yes. I reinstalled iptables and iptables-service once again and now it is saving the changes. I successfully opened the port 27015, checked it by nc -l 27015. But I still can't forward traffic from wireguard client to
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