
Cannot SSH to Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine anymore

ng flag

I have a similar problem as outlined here: Cant access GCP Compute Engine

Yesterday I lost access to my GCP server. I thought Google was having issues but almost 40 hrs later I'm thinking their issues would be resolved by now.

I've tried:

  • From home & work and both access attempts fail (SSH in-browser fails & Putty).
  • Both Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed & without IAP failed

I have default-allow-ssh = allow from anywhere

Recent(past 6 montsh) Firewall changes?: No

ng flag

I decided to stop and start the instance. This resolved the problem and I can click "ssh" and ssh in-browser and from putty as expected now. Note: Unfortunately this results in a new IP address so beware!

John Hanley avatar
cn flag
That means you have assigned an ephemeral IP address. You can switch that IP address to static.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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