
NGINX reverse proxy on different port

in flag

I would like to set up a conf file, which basically listen to all request on a specific port on the nginx server, and all these request should be forwarded to a another group of servers which handle these request.

My set up is like this :

  • nginx.conf -> just the normal default coming after installation.

and the content of :

  • /etc/nginx/conf.d/load-balancer.conf
upstream backend {
    server max_fails=3;
    server max_fails=3;
    server max_fails=3;

server {
    listen 8081;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://backend;

Additional info , we are running RedHat 7.9 and nginx 1.20.1. If I try to connect from web browser this URL :

The web page is properly being displayed. But if I connect to the nginx server with : http://NGINX_SERVER:8081

it just open the default web page of nginx.

What am I missing ? Any idea ?


I ve tried with different port on nginx server but not working.

Damith Udayanga avatar
cn flag
check the selinux status first, if it is enabled try to access your application (http://NGINX_SERVER:8081) by disabling selinux.
nf flag

You'll have to go into your domain names dns records settings and set up a service for that port also. Similar to this Minecraft server setup.

adamski avatar
in flag
well thanks for your reply and time taken for it. But dont think DNS play a role here, because I explicitely specify IP.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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