
rndc showzone returns "rndc: 'showzone' failed: failure" on valid zones

in flag

I am running BIND 9.18.12-0 on Ubuntu 22.04 and I have the following problem on more than one installation. I have even installed bind locally with a simple test configuration and I am still seeing this issue.

Whenever i run rndc showzone somezone and sonezone is a valid zone it returns the very unhelpful error message rndc: 'showzone' failed: failure.

The server is otherwise working, I can query it.

When I run rndc zonestatus somezone it returns the expected result.

When I run rndc showzone nonexistantzone it returns:

rndc: 'showzone' failed: not found
no matching zone 'nonexistantzone' in any view

It is only when I run rndc showzone somezone and sonezone is a valid zone that I get rndc: 'showzone' failed: failure.

When I look in the log files there are no errors it just says: received control channel command 'showzone somezone'.

Is there some particular way I need to configure my zones or my server to allow showzone to work or is this just a bug?

Does the showzone rndc command work at all?

As mentioned I have set up a minimal test server to investigate, the config files are as follows:


include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";


options {
    directory "/var/cache/bind";

    dnssec-validation auto;

    listen-on-v6 { any; };


zone "test" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.test";


$TTL    604800
@   IN  SOA test. root.test. (
                  3     ; Serial
             604800     ; Refresh
              86400     ; Retry
            2419200     ; Expire
             604800 )   ; Negative Cache TTL
@           IN  NS      ns.test.
@           IN  A
@           IN  AAAA    ::1
ns          IN  A

named.conf.default-zones and the various default zone files are unchanged from their default settings.

Saxtheowl avatar
by flag
Could we see your BIND configuration files ?
Ben Robinson avatar
in flag
@Saxtheowl I have added the config files of my minimal test server. My actual servers have a bit more complex setup but none of that seems to make any difference, they behave the same as the minimal test server.
in flag

So it turns out, although it doesn't seem to mention it anywhere in the help like it does with addzone and modzone, that showzone requires the allow-new-zones option.

This needs to be in your config to enable the showzone command:

options {

    //other options

    allow-new-zones yes;

It does not however change the behaviour or rndc showzone nonexistantzone it's happy to tell you that the zone doesn't exist without the allow-new-zones option.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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