
Using same credentials for Connect-MgGraph and Connect-ExchangeOnline

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I'm working on a (powershell) script which creates a Service Principal using MS Graph and then wants to grant that principal permissions in MS Exchange. Both the Graph and Exchange are in the same Azure tenant (domain).

I would like the script to ask the user for credentials only once to do this, but both the Connect-MgGraph and Connect-ExchangeOnline commands prompt for credentials.

Is there some way to have just a single prompt for credentials here?

Is it just a case of adding the right scope(s) to the Connect-MgGraph command? Perhaps this also involves replacing the ExchangeOnline commands with ones that use the Graph interface to do the work directly?

Version 3.1.0-Preview1 of the Exchange Online tools (I'm currently on 3.0.0) has a -AccessToken option for Connect-ExchangeOnline which might be what I need, though I still need to know what scopes are required, how to extract the access token from wherever Connect-MgGraph stashed it, and possibly get around the inability to get a token for scopes in multiple domains (or perhaps that is outdated) though this now appears fixed.

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To use app-only access, the certificate is loaded from Cert:\CurrentUser\My\ when or is specified. Make sure that the certificate you're using is present in the store before calling . For more info, seeenter link description here

Kevin Martin avatar
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This doesn't really answer the question at all. The script is not trying for app-only access (although that is ultimately what the script is trying to set up for some other purpose). This is a script to be run by a person, and currently when they run it they are challenged for credentials twice, once by Connect-MgGraph and once by connect-ExchangeOnline. I would like to (somehow) use the credentials or access token or something from the connect-MgGraph authorization in order to have connect-ExchangeOnline not issue a second challenge for credentials.
falaisi avatar
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It maybe depends on the authentication format.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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