I have two KVM virtual machines created on RHEL9. I partitioned an SR-IOV-capable Physical NIC such that I was able to get Virtual NICs (Virtual Functions) from it. For each VM, I assigned it a VF.
Virtual Machines now have the VFs showing up as ethernet interfaces. Question is, how do I make a connection (basic ethernet link) between these virtual machines using these VFs?
What I want is VM1:vf_et1 <<---->> vf_et2:VM2
. Basically, a connection/link like when you connect two routers with an ethernet cable in the physical world.
Once I get this link, I'd configure ip address on them and form BGP between these two VMs using that link.
Here is an image diagram ( https://i.stack.imgur.com/iAGDt.jpg ) showing the Ethernet Link I want to create.
NOTE: The decision to use SR-IOV is to remove the hypervisor from the VM-to-VM traffic data path. Phase-1 design is 4 servers and 6 routers (10 VMs all in a single kvm host). Phase-2 scales these numbers almost twice. 99% of data traffic will be VM-to-VM traffic. Having the hypervisor and/or host CPU in that data path is going to get ugly sooner or later. See image link for phase-1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/FEkj2.jpg