
incoing email error delivered to delivered to mydomain.localdomain

de flag

I am transferring my mail server to a new VPS and it has not been as easy his time. I have changed all the IPs and set Reverse DNS on the new VPS.

I have set the hostname in /etc/postfix/ and made other necessary modifications.

I can send an email to my gmail address but when I send a reply I get error an message saying domain 'mydomain.localdomai' couldn’t be found. I cannot find anywhere in any config files where 'mydomain.localdomain' is set.

Anyone got any idea what the issue is?


Jaromanda X avatar
ru flag
to clarify: are you saying the message is exactly `mydomain.localdomain`, that's not just a placeholder for the purposes of the question?
Jaromanda X avatar
ru flag
did you check `/etc/hosts` file
anx avatar
fr flag
Debian-derived systems provision their postfix config with a pointer to `/etc/mailname` instead of literally spelling the host name, so you may have missed reviewing that when you adapted the file.
de flag
'mydomain.localdomain' is exactly what is says
de flag
/etc/hosts has localhost and the FQD and auto generated at boot
de flag
/etc/mailname has the FQD
de flag
It seems my hosting provider was adding '.localdomain' onto the end of the hostname. I changed the hostname in the VPS control panel and sure enough the VPS hostname had '.localdomain' tacked on the end. I removed this, rebooted and the email server works.
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