
How to find the maximum number of nodes in a GCP Kubernetes cluster?

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In a GCP Kubernetes cluster is there a command to find out the maximum number of nodes? I have a Kubernetes cluster and need to identify if I can fit my pods to the nodes since there is a taint limiting one pod to one node.

If I want to have 50 pods, I need to know what limit there is on the number of nodes since one pod will match one node.

dk flag

In a GCP Kubernetes cluster there is no command to find out the maximum number of nodes

According to this official doc

Standard cluster:

1)Maximum number of nodes per GKE standard cluster is 15000 nodes

2)Maximum number of node pools in a cluster is 15 node pools

3)Maximum number of nodes in each pool is 1000 nodes.


  • If you plan to run more than 2,000 nodes, use a regional cluster.
  • If you want to run more than 5,000 nodes it requires lifting a cluster size quota. Contact support for assistance.

Autopilot cluster:

1)Maximum number of nodes per Autopilot cluster is 5000 nodes


  • If you plan to run more than 1,000 nodes, use GKE Autopilot version 1.23 or newer.
  • Running more than 400 nodes may require lifting a cluster size quota for clusters that were created on earlier versions. Contact support for assistance.
Sai Chandini Routhu avatar
dk flag
I hope the above information clarifies your queries. Could you please let me know if you have any additional queries and I am happy to assist further
Phil avatar
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I'm looking for the answer for a specific Kubernetes cluster, how to determine the limit of nodes on a specific cluster
Sai Chandini Routhu avatar
dk flag
In the question itself you mention GkE cluster.So,I have provided information from GKE official doc.could you elaborate on specific cluster means
Phil avatar
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I think the answer is something like: gcloud container clusters describe myclustername --zone us-east1 | grep maxNodeCount
Sai Chandini Routhu avatar
dk flag
If you want to know how many maximum nodes are there in your existing cluster To describe an existing cluster, run: gcloud container clusters describe sample-cluster
Sai Chandini Routhu avatar
dk flag
Refer to this [doc]( for more commands about cluster
Sai Chandini Routhu avatar
dk flag
If you run kubectl get nodes also you will get to know how many nodes are there in your cluster
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