
List all users of a MariaDB

cn flag

How can I list all users in my MariaDB?

Teh Internet is full of

SELECT user FROM mysql.user;

in all its variations, but this does not work on MariaDB (I'm on version 10.5.19 if that matters), rather it produces the error (run with root privileges):

ERROR 1356 (HY000): View 'mysql.user' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them

I found only one single comment that is vaguely helpful:

MariaDB-10.4+ the mysql.user is a view rather than a table.

[…] Always check the official documentation.

Point is, I did check the official documentation, but it appears to silently assume that you already know your user names. I did not find any mention of how to get these in the first place, i. e. how to just display a list of users.

jp flag
Which user you are running the queries with?
Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
Have you try `SELECT User FROM mysql.user;`?
H. Weirauch avatar
cn flag
@EsaJokinen: root, as I've written.
H. Weirauch avatar
cn flag
@Romeo Ninov: Yes, I have tried all combinations of upper/lowercase, to no avail.
Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
try something like: `mysql -u root` then in mysql: `use mysql; show tables;`
jp flag

The official documentation for mysql.user Table (the first result from Google with mysql.user site: has your answer:

In MariaDB 10.4 and later, the mysql.global_priv table has replaced the mysql.user table, and mysql.user should be considered obsolete. It is now a view into mysql.global_priv created for compatibility with older applications and monitoring scripts. New tools are supposed to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables.

So, for backwards compatibility you can still use:

SELECT User FROM mysql.global_priv;

This might also be useful:

cn flag

Well, the matter that it's a view does not really matter, you should be able to select User from mysql.user anyways ... the error message you get indicates that the user you are connecting with do not have permission to select from mysql.user though ... so try:

echo select User from mysql.user | mysql -u root

if that works, make sure the user you connect with has permission to select from from mysql.user :-)

H. Weirauch avatar
cn flag
Nope … `ERROR 1356 (HY000) at line 1: View 'mysql.user' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them`
frax avatar
cn flag
ok, don't know what distribution you are running but you can check the admin user (usually root) access under /etc/mysql: `grep root /etc/mysql/**` to get to know which file(s) to check
frax avatar
cn flag
In Debian the root user is password-less and only have access on localhost (same machine as the server is running): ```On new installs no root password is set and no debian-sys-maint user is created anymore. Instead the MariaDB root account is set to be authenticated using the Unix socket, e.g. any mysqld invocation by root or via sudo will let the user see the mysqld prompt. You may never ever delete the mysql user "root". Although it has no password is set, the unix_auth plugin ensure that it can only be run locally as the root user.```
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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