
How to generate SSL certificate on windows machine for use with IIS?

in flag

I come from Linux background and have previously hosted websites on nginx. I use certbot to create and install SSL certificate.

I'm trying my hands-on Windows IIS, I have deployed a website on IIS. Now to add a SSL to my website I'm trying to use certbot. However their website doesn't have any instructions for IIS.

How to generate SSL certificate on windows machine for use with IIS?

schroeder avatar
ve flag
Have you looked this up?
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
You should rephrase your question as how to enroll Let's Encrypt certificates (not any other certificate, as your use of certbot implicitly sets a restriction) to an IIS site, and then I believe any search engine will give you tons of useful results.
br flag

The easiest solution is probably to setup a tool like Certify the Web, which is a Windows tool that does very similar things as certbot does but comes with a GUI and can import the generated certificate directly into the IIS cert store and thus makes certificate installation and renewal a very easy job. It can be downloaded for free from their website:

John Hanley avatar
cn flag
Given the context of the question, posting an answer with a recommendation to use an third-party resource is probably the best advice.
Keith Langmead avatar
us flag
I agree, we use that on our IIS servers and it works very well and is quite straightforward to setup and use, especially if you're already familiar with the concepts from another platform.
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