
Failover Cluster Manager - Location of the stored clusters

sz flag

I have about a dozen clusters that i monitor daily. I use the Failover Cluster Manager under MMC for a dashboard view of the clusters.

Two things i am looking for.

  1. Where are the cluster names that populate the left panel of the application stored? enter image description here

  2. longshot Is there a way to display the value of the Name field that is in the Cluster properties General tab on the primary middle panel?

Ben Thul avatar
cn flag
Is your question where is MMC storing the names of clusters you've connected to before? Also, given that you've tagged sql-server, do you find yourself caring about the actual Windows cluster day to day or the functionality that it provides (either a failover cluster instance or Availability Group)?
ch flag

Cluster names are stored in Active Directory, similar to how computer and server names are registered in AD.

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