
Windows Server 2022 2 IPs with IIS and Apache on port 80

cn flag

I have a Windows Server 2022 with 1 NIC that has 2 addresses, and

There's 2 sites on IIS that listen on, and, these used to listen on *:80, etc..., changed on IIS Admin "sites > bindings"

Now I want to start apache and I've added Listen and Listen on the config files but I get the error:

(OS 10013)Intento de acceso a un socket no permitido por sus permisos de acceso.  : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs

netstat -ano | findstr :80 returns this

TCP                 LISTENING       4
TCP      x.x.x.x:80          ESTABLISHED     7872
TCP      x.x.x.x:80          ESTABLISHED     7872
TCP      x.x.x.x:80          ESTABLISHED     7872
TCP      x.x.x.x:80          ESTABLISHED     7872
TCP    [::]:80                [::]:0                 LISTENING       4
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
You should know this has been discussed for decades, and many solutions are there, like
Daviid avatar
cn flag
Once of those answers helped, I just had to add iplisten and restart w3svc, also use `netsh` instead of `httpcfg`
br flag

From the output you posted, you can see that a process with PID 4 is listening on all interfaces on port 80 IPv4 and IPv6. Next step would be to open your task manager and check which process has PID 4. Then go ahead and change that configuration or shut down that service to free up the port mapping and apache should start without issue.

Daviid avatar
cn flag
It's just "SYSTEM"
br flag
@Daviid Interesting. I've not seen that but it is documented. Check here for example: So you'll have to check what service it is in your particular case and shut that down.
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
SYSTEM (Process ID 4) is Windows kernel itself, so the port 80 is taken by http.sys (Windows HTTP API). It cannot be shut down, or you lost IIS.
br flag
@LexLi I don't think that's correct. Check the link in my previous comment. It mentions several services that could be causing this, IIS being one of them but the OP said he reconfigured his IIS to not run on port 80 any longer, so it must be another service also listening on port 80.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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