
nftables Rules for ProxyChains-over-Tor

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I am trying to configure nftables rules for ProxyChains-over-Tor, so that:

My system --> Tor SOCKS5 proxy --> HTTP proxy --> Internet
  • My system can only communicate with Tor SOCKS5 proxy
  • Tor SOCKS5 proxy can only communicate with my system and the HTTP proxy
  • The HTTP proxy can only communicate with Tor SOCKS5 proxy and the Internet
  • The Internet can only communicate with the HTTP proxy

I see from this article that the correct nftables rules to block everything except Tor access is:

chain output {
    ip daddr tcp dport 9050 accept

That works for Tor alone, however, it gets a bit confusing when a further proxy is involved.

Currently I have the following nftables rules for this scenario:

chain output {
    ip daddr tcp dport 9050 accept
    ip daddr tcp dport 9050 tcp sport {proxy_port} ip saddr {proxy_ip} accept

Is this simple change enough to enforce the restrictions mentioned above? Or do I need to introduce a more complex setup with input/forward chains in my rule configuration to prevent my system from communicating directly with the proxy (or directly with the Internet)?

I would appreciate any guidance, suggestions, or example configurations to achieve the correct nftables rules for ProxyChains-over-Tor. Thank you in advance!

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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