
DNS Server returning only name, no IP

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I am having DNS server service running on Windows 2016 Server Primary Domain controller. I have an additional domain configured:

enter image description here

server config 2 The PDC is the primary server for the domain.

I have a host configured with an A record as follows:

host info in dns

Now, when I run nslookup query from the PDC itself, I am getting the correct result as follows: server nslookup

But when I run nslookup from a Win 11 Pro domain joined laptop, I am getting this empty result - only name is returned, no IP address: client error

What could be wrong? I have tried restarting the PDC server, client etc. I have flushed cache, did 'Update Server data files' etc. but still the host is not resolving.

If I try to create some new hostname in the same zone, for example and try to resolve from the same client, it works, as below: another host

Why? Please help.

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Are you getting that same result when pointed at the other AD DNS servers in the domain? What about when testing from other domain clients? Does a ping or traceroute resolve the hostname to an IP?
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@twconnell All other host names are resolving properly. I tested from other domain clients, I am getting the correct response. Looks like an issue from this laptop only. Ping and tracert could not resolve host.
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Update: Using wireshark, I find that nslookup is producing two queries: Standard A query for and another AAAA query for the same hostname (sr___os.local is domain name of my AD network). OTOH a search for produces 4 queries: A and AAAA of which fails, A and AAAA of The query A for succeeds. Why does nslookup not search for alone and instead adds domain's "sr____os.local"?
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if I add an entry in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file for, it resolves properly thereafter. but why?....
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Does the laptop having the issue have any non-standard DNS suffixes configured?
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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