First time using salt stack.
I configured salt stack on three virtual box machines. All three machines are set up as bridged networks. Centos7(Master), Centos7(minion), Ubuntu(minion). On the master, I installed the update using:
sudo rpm --import curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/salt.repo
I created a config file in the master.d directory called master.conf and set the interface value to the static private Ipv4 address for the master machine. Then I installed salt-master on the machine, started, and enabled the service.
On the minions, I configured a static IP, downloaded salt-minion, and started and enabled the service.
Since I wasn't using DNS, I mapped all of the IP addresses in the /etc/hosts file for each machine.
When I went on the master machine to check for pending keys none of the minions appeared.
I ran the debugger on the master and received the error "Unable to bind socket #.#.#.#:4505, error: [Errno 98] Address already in use; Is there another salt-master running?" (replaced actual my ip with "#")
I then killed all of the processes containing "salt-master", and restarted the service but nothing worked.
Then I allowed the firewall for the master, and restarted the service but no pending keys appeared.
Is there something I am missing in this setup?
How would you recreate this from scratch?