
Config Wizard error in Rspamd on dkim step in Debian Bullseye

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Using fresh Debian 11.7 installation I’m trying to setup RSpamd using configwizard, but in the last step of building the private key I got the following error:

Do you want to create privkey /var/lib/rspamd/dkim/domain.tld.2023.key[Y/n]: y call to rspamadm lua script failed (2): /usr/share/rspamd/lualib/rspamadm//configwizard.lua:382: attempt to call field 'generate_keypair' (a nil value); trace: [1]:{/usr/share/rspamd/lualib/rspamadm//configwizard.lua:784 - [Lua]};

RSpamd was installed using guide from for Debian distro. Same steps for RSpamd from official Debian repo is fine, but the version of RSpamd in official Debian repo is too old. Any suggestions?

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