Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
aphid avatar
Overriding win/kerberos computer secure channel
mx flag

Is there a way to completely ignore/override/overrule establishing a secure channel? I'm trying to revert a VM snapshot to test something, and the domain controller is being obnoxious and not allowing the computer access.

I've tried a dozen ways and am pulling my hair out. Just want to say to the server: Trust this computer. I know what I am doing, I don't care. DO IT. This should be simple.

Everything ...

Score: 0
Reke Unhs avatar
Network drives not shown on some users. Explorer need to be restarted
az flag

we have windows domain, with a gpo where the drives are mapped, one of the users just one, has the problem the drives are not shown or disappears after a time. Strangely if you use any other programms or type the correct path you see them/works.

So you basically just dont see them with the windows explorer, they are mapped with the correct letter and evrything. For time being i gave the user a si ...

Score: 0
sctx avatar
OpenSUSE MicroOS fails to start on OpenStack
fi flag

I'm testing some operating systems cloud images to be used on OpenStack. I'm trying OpenSUSE MicroOS with the following butane configuration:

variant: fcos
version: 1.1.0
    # Mount /home folder (required when creating non-root users)
    - device: /dev/disk/by-label/ROOT
      path: /home
      format: btrfs
      wipe_filesystem: false
        - "s ...
Score: 0
Marvin Fratzke avatar
could not load private key asn.1 decoding failure Navicat
ai flag

I have a Problem with my Navicat when i want to connect with a SSh-Key to our Company Servers i cant because Navicat give the folloing Error: could not load private key asn.1 decoding failure

Has anyone an Idea what is going on?

Score: 0
Kurei avatar
RouterOS - how to make diffrent IP to access the Internet through different gateway
xk flag

I want to make> to access the Internet, but> to access the Internet.

I don't know how to do it.

[admin@RouterOS] /ip/route> print detail 
Flags: D - dynamic; X - disabled, I - inactive, A - active; 
c - connect, s - static, r - rip, b - bgp, o - ospf, d - dhcp, v - vpn, m - modem, y - bgp-mpls-vpn; 
H - hw-offloaded; + - ecmp 
 0  As + d ...
Score: 0
Peter avatar
Joining a domain is no longer possible. Windows Server 2016 - Windows 10 22H2
in flag

I can't connect computers to the domain. It pops up when I try to connect my computer to the domain(Windows Server 2016 - Windows 10):

enter image description here

This user cannot log in due to account restrictions

I tried on 2 computers and two admin accounts with AD.

Fehler beim Beitritt des Computers "" zur Domäne "". Fehlercode: "1327".

enter image description here

1327 052F Login failed: User account limitation. Possible Reasons for this: empty pass ...

Score: 0
Damian Games avatar
Dynamic Client IP in freeRADIUS where client is identified by secret
gw flag

I have multiple locations sending RADIUS requests to my server. These are currently configured as:

client any_client {
    ipaddr = x.x.x.x
    netmask = 32
    secret = client_secret
    shortname = name

However some clients have ISP that changes their IP address. Moreover, multiple clients are using the same ISP so the clients don't have a unique subnet each. What I want to do is allow all connect ...

Score: 0
Lueton avatar
podman/docker cannot reach exposed ports
dk flag

We recently upgraded our infrastructure to the new Strato KVM VPS. After we had set up our dockerized services we noticed that none of our services are reachable through their defined ports. Neither from localhost nor from external. This happens with both podman and docker. Our images are working correctly. If we use the --net host flag everything works fine and can be reached but thats not what we w ...

Score: 0
archygriswald avatar
LetsEncrypt/Certbot Domain Verification with Redirect
cn flag

Is it possible to 301 redirect from to a different domain during cert creation/validation with certbot and complete the domain verification via xyz domain?
This question was asked in letsencrypt forum already, and the answer was yes:

that's possible - and that's a good solution with centralized systems

In my case the domains are on different servers having different IPs!!
And I reall ...

Score: 0
ram ajay avatar
Is Certificates are required for STARTTLS connection on LDAP
eg flag

My LDAP server's ldap.conf file

# LDAP Defaults

# See ldap.conf(5) for details
# This file should be world readable but not world writable.

BASE    dc=coretesting,dc=com
URI     ldap:// #ldap://

#SIZELIMIT      12
#TIMELIMIT      15
#DEREF          never

# TLS certificates (needed for GnuTLS)
TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/ssl/certs/
TLS ...
Score: 0
voltest123 avatar
logrotate is not working correctly
gh flag

apache : 2.4.29

My requirement is that error_log needs to rotated and error_log needs to have the latest log, error_log.1 should have logs older than error_log and error_log.2 should have logs older than error_log.1 and so on. But the problem is after first rotation error_log becomes empty and error_log.1 has all the logs. After that only error_log.1 keeps getting filled with the logs and no further ...

Score: 0
truthtriumphs avatar
How to get the exact IP addresses of the hosts from
us flag

I am trying to figure out way to get the exact IP addresses of the hosts from Is there a way to do it?

Score: 0
user294265 avatar
How do sites like assign all users their own subdomain?
td flag

How does achieve this, where everyone, get a subdomain, like after a new user sign up and when the subdomain has not been chosen?

Score: 0
Miguel Ambrosio avatar
Redirect to subdomain if specific subdirectory found in URL using htaccess
am flag

How do I redirect this (old blog domain)

To a subdomain while keeping the rest of the url/subdir

I need to have a redirect /post/ is found on the url

Score: 0
Rajesh Mappu avatar
Unable to initialize Kubernetes cluster upon sudo kubeadm init line command
bg flag

Trying to deploy Kubernetes on AWS EC2 instance. I'm seeing the following errors/warning when running sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --ignore-preflight-errors=all


[WARNING CRI]: container runtime is not running: output: time="2023-06-23T03:15:01Z" level=fatal msg="validate service connection: CRI v1 runtime API is not implemented for endpoint "unix:///var/run/containerd/conta ...

Score: 0
user3594093 avatar
Does Azure AD Temporary Access Pass work on Hybrid Join
zw flag

I have setup Temporary access pass, conditional access, temporary access authentication method and web sign in. I am only able to get this to work if I logon through a Azure AD joined computer. If I try this on a Hybrid Joined Computer it does not work. Is this supposed to work on a Hybrid joined computer?

Score: 2
Vilican avatar
Unable to establish link between Mikrotik router and Mellanox NIC
us flag

I am trying to establish a 25 GbE link between Mikrotik CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS router and a server running Windows Server 2022 with Mellanox NIC (MCX512A-ADAT).

For cabling, I tried using the official Mikrotik DAC (XS+DA0003), unofficial with one side generic and one side "Mellanox-compatible", a pair of SFP28 from with SMF link and various other SFP/SFP+ modules just for testing.

Each tim ...

Score: 0
Anto Ruban Sengole Rajan avatar
Unexpected network error in VB script
tv flag

I need a help.I am getting occasional ‘Unexpected network error’ when the VB scripts try to write a log files reside in NAS.

It happens when the previous steps runs longer and they try to write inside a file in NAS after an hour or so.

Score: 1
How to have "empty" for x509's nameConstraints extension subtree?
sd flag

I am signing x509 certificates that should only be used for CN under a specific domain, not for any IP/email/UPN.

the rfc5280 says that passing empty to a permitted value will allow all of those class, while to a excluded class will deny all of those class.

initial-permitted-subtrees, which indicates for each name type (e.g., X.500 distinguished names, email addresses, or IP addresses) a set of subtre ...

Score: 0
DanRan avatar
How to back up mysql/mariadb database as mysql root when using unix socket for sql access in a bash script?
mx flag

I am running Ubunutu Server 20.04. I have secured mariadb by using the unix socket for authentication, which means, I need to enter sudo mysql to be able to access mysql as root.

1) If I enter

mysql -u root -pMYROOTPASSWORD

to access mysql as root user, I get the following error:

ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

I am trying to run a command that backs up mysql database usin ...

Score: 0
Lubos Chlebicki avatar
Error: Request aborted - can't send 20MB .mp3 files using Node.js + Express?
pg flag

I'm making a game using a Node.js + Express app on Heroku. When the page loads, the soundtrack (music) is fetched in 5 20MB .mp3 files. But sometimes, the request hangs and then throws error 'Request aborted'. It seems to have something to do with file size as it always happens when the large files are being fetched, but it only happens sometimes (like, 20% of the time).

Here is the simplified so ...

Score: 0
reedog117 avatar
How do I flag an rpm package that was installed as a dependency to not be removed if the parent package is removed?
in flag

Some background so this is easier to understand:

I have cloud-init installed which installs libselinux-python as a dependency. I want to uninstall/remove cloud-init without having libselinux-python uninstalled as I need this package for other automation like Ansible. How can I ensure this occurs?

Score: 0
how to work with x509 certificate bundles with openssl
sd flag

Is it possible to work with x509 certificates in a pkcs7 bundle file?

I need to sign all certificates in a bundle with extra x509 extensions. e.g. (if they were a single x509 crt file) openssl x509 -CA corp-ca.crt -CAkey corp-ca.key -randserial -sha256 -extensions sub_ca -extfile sub_ca.cfg -in sub-ca.crt -out with-extensions-ca.crt

the p7b file have dozens of certificates, but they are not chain ...

Score: 1
maurice77 avatar
Why do UDP packets generated by Linux running in a virtual machine have defective UDP checksums?
cv flag

I've set up some interconnected qemu VMs to test out port forwarding rules. For now, my current blocker is much simpler and has nothing to do with port forwarding. When I send a UDP packet from a go program through the Linux OS, it is flagged as having a bad checksum by tcpdump on the interface from within the OS itself (before it has even gone through any bridging/gateways/etc). Is this expected/ ...

Score: 8
What minimum versions of operating systems and browsers are compatible with Google-managed SSL certificates?
in flag

Issuers of SSL certificates usually provide documentation of what minimum versions of OSes and browsers are supported by their solutions.


However, I was not able to find such documentation for the Google-managed SSL certificates.

I understand that it partially depends on the SSL policy but it must also depend on whether the root certificate that Google uses is in th ...

Score: 0
MrPython avatar
(13)Permission denied: AH02611: create: apr_shm_create(/log/slotmem-shm-p24af65f1_0.shm) failed
jp flag

I updated httpd to version 2.4.57. I compiled httpd on my own and when I start httpd within a chroot environment, I am getting this error message in the logs:

[Thu Jun 22 14:33:27.319378 2023] [slotmem_shm:error] [pid 3591] (13)Permission denied: AH02611: create: apr_shm_create(/log/slotmem-shm-p24af65f1_0.shm) failed
[Thu Jun 22 14:33:27.319470 2023] [proxy_balancer:emerg] [pid 3591] (13)Permission denie ...
Score: 0
Damian Games avatar
Stop filebeat sending copius metadata
gw flag

I am sending data from local log files with filebeat to graylog and I am getting a 20x storage overhead compared to the original files. There are a large amount of metadata fields however I can't seem to get rid of them. I have tried many variations of removing fields such as:

  - drop_fields:
      fields: ["ecs.version", "agent.version", "agent.type", "", "agent.hostname", "in ...
Score: 3
HSHATA avatar
How to route an IP address?
hk flag

I am trying to route an IP address (camera sensor) to an edge server through a 5G network. The camera sensor is connected to a 5G Modem. The camera IP address is, the 5G link IP address is, and the edge sever IP address is

I am using Linux machines on all equipments.

So far I was able to add the camera IP address to the 5G link IP address and I am able to send the ca ...

Score: 0
MonkeyZeus avatar
htaccess file with RewriteEngine On causes a 403
in flag

Windows Server 2022
Apache 2.4.57 x64

httpd.conf - relevant

<Directory />
    Options none
    AllowOverride none
    Require all denied
DirectoryIndex index.html
<Files ".ht*">
    Require all denied

httpd-vhosts.conf - relevant

<VirtualHost *:443>
    DocumentRoot "c:/path/to/public_html"
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    <Directory "c:/path/to/p ...
Score: 0
wgonzvega avatar
Firebase console user access control
cw flag

Im looking for a way to have user management (creation, management, roles assigments, etc.) for Firebase console users (not app code level control). So far I've been testing solutions to this situation by integrating Microsoft as a provider in Firebase and using Google Cloud Platform with Cloud Identity but it all seems that these solutions are aiming at Firebase code level access control but not to Fi ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.