Latest Server related questions

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Phaelax z avatar
How to insert audit filters into community edition?
in flag

When it comes to auditing, majority of documentation I find pertains to enterprise edition, not community. It is a different plugin and as such not all information I read matches up. Running MariaDB 10.3 with the server audit plugin (1.4 I believe). Enterprise documentation says I can insert filters (in json) into the mysql.server_audit_filters table. However, I have no such table. I can't find anythin ...

Score: 0
bpleat avatar
How to tell if a switch is forwarding LLDP traffic
ly flag

How can I test if a switch is forwarding LLDP traffic? (an engineer for my router's company said that most switches do, and can cause problems for their router, so I'm trying to chase this; another thread elsewhere said most switches do and cannot be configured to stop if they don't have such a setting, but that was just one answer) Thank you.

Score: 0
How to deploy nextjs app using pm2 on cent OS 7.9 server?
US flag

I am facing trouble in Cent OS though.

I install nginx using yum install nginx Now the folders in nginx were missing, so I created sites-available and sites-enabled.

Then edited /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and added

http {
 include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.conf;
 server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;

Now made the conf in sites-available nano webgenie

server {
        listen 80 default_server;
Score: 0
Dario avatar
Google Firebase Cloud Functions: Error: Your project is being set up. Please wait a minute before deploying again
bs flag

I have a Google Cloud / Firebase project, let's call it A, to which I can normally deploy Cloud Functions via the firebase deploy command.

Recently I've had to set up a parallel project that is supposed to run the same functions, just with a separate database, so I set up a second project, let's call it B, to which I thought I'd be able to deploy Functions in the same way, after setting up all the requi ...

Score: 0
Monerig avatar
Am I able to use Pritunl Wireguard without their client? Where are the connection settings stored?
ni flag

I installed Pritunl and wireguard packages on my VPS. Then I made WG server settings with this manual.

Now I want to connect to the server but without pritunl client, only using wireguard standard client (to connect from my router for example). Where can I get connection settings/params to do it?

When I use OpenVPN I can just download OpenVPN config file from Pritunl's WebUI, but there is no such files  ...

Score: 0
Jonathan Wood avatar
How to Renew an SSL Certificate from a PFX file?
ug flag

I have a .PFX file, and want to use it to update an existing SSL certificate in IIS.

I can use the Import command. This prompts me for my PFX file and password. That's exactly what I want except that it creates a new certificate instead of updating the existing one.

So I tried the Renew command instead. But this command gives me a completely different dialog, which ultimately prompts me for a CER fi ...

Score: 0
Basem avatar
multiple LDAP and krbtgt tickets generated
pk flag

I was doing some testing to understand Kerberos behavior, I have a user Alice logged into a machine part of lab.local domain, after sign in, I run net user \dc\sysvol to trigger service ticket request for the cifs service, as per my understanding the client now should have two tickets in the cache the first is the TGT and the other is the TGS for cifs service, by running klist, I found that there are tw ...

Score: 0
Florent Thiery avatar
Using socat forwarder over HTTP tunnel (CONNECT) over SSL/TLS
cn flag

For context, i am using nginx's reverse proxy ngx_http_proxy_module to cache content from an upstream https server. For a specific project, i need nginx to pass through a corporate HTTP proxy (using the HTTP CONNECT method), and unfortunately this is not supported by nginx (and not planned either). Additionnaly, this project requires the connection to the proxy to be over SSL/TLS.

To work around this, i f ...

Score: 0
Lee Jenkins avatar
How to manage a user account on SLES that does, and does not, exist?
mx flag

My team (software devs) has a VM we use for testing. We agreed to self-admin the server in order to have root access. Despite us being devs and not admins, it's worked really well for us, but today I ran into an oddity I've never seen before. I don't even know what to search for to find a fix.

I sudo'd and tried to add a user account named builder:

# useradd builder
useradd: user 'builder' already  ...
Score: 0
Virtual Penman avatar
Transparent proxy to corporate proxy in k8s
ba flag

Attempting to deploy an external app into a corporate k8s cluster. All egress traffic leaving this external app has to go through the corporate proxy before getting to the internet. The issue is that the application does not have built in env variable support for the proxy. So setting http_proxy etc is not picked up and is not used by the application and we cannot modify the code to respect the env v ...

Score: 0
orsomannaro avatar
Mount/umount remote share before/after running a systemd service
hm flag

I'd like to use systemd to run a script that does a backup by saving the data to remote storage, so:

  • mount remote storage (e.g. NFS share)
  • run the script
  • umount remote storage

This is what I tried to do:

cat /etc/systemd/system/mnt-server-share.mount

Description=Remote storage test

T ...
Score: 1
Is it possible to set different retry policies based on recipient address in Postfix?
ws flag

I have a postfix server handling different types of email traffic. These types are aligned by the recipient mailbox. While I can set a default policy for retries interval (mnimial|maximal_backoff_time, queue_run_delay) and expiry (maximal_queue_lifetime), there are some specific addresses where I want the email server to give up much sooner (notably the maximal_queue_lifetime).

How do I do that?

(pr ...

Score: 2
MasteOfDisaste avatar
Domain Admins group removed from local Administrators group but gets UAC prompts for non-admin applications
gh flag

So, I have an odd one that I just cannot find on the internet. We are trying to set up Privileged Access Workstations at our company.

We have removed the Domain Admins group from the Local Administrator group on the PAW. When we do that, then several applications will show the UAC prompt even though I did not run as administrator. When you type in the password for the account it works like expected and  ...

Score: 0
assyrian47 avatar
Dell PVT-132T Tape Drive Install Assistance
yt flag

OS: Windows 2012 R2 all current updates are installed. Server: Dell R710

I have an ancient Dell PVT-132T Tape Library. In the Device Manager I see the Medium Changer Device but missing the Tape Drive Device (should be a IBM ULTRIUM-TD3 SCSI Sequential Device). I have tried to use the tape drive driver from Dell, using the .inf file. It fails to install. Using the Device Manager >> Action ...

Score: 0
twit avatar
Networking: NAT two interfaces together on Windows
ch flag

I have the following setup:

  • Openvpn client (Linux) (Openvpn IP
  • Openvpn client (Windows) (Openvpn IP
  • Openvpn server (Linux) (Openvpn IP

Now, both clients connect to the server. From the Linux client, I want to be able to access the subnet of the ethernet interface ( of the Windows client. This subnet has a number of other devices on it.

This i ...

Score: 0
Paul Boyer avatar
Windows Server 2019 Cannot Install .NET 3.5
bs flag

Microsoft IT Pro Tech Community


Windows Server 2019 Cannot Install .NET 3.5

I am running Windows Server 2019 (Version 1809, Build 17763.4499) and I cannot install .NET Framework 3.5. Below is the current installation status of the feature on my machine:

PS > Get-WindowsFeature -Name  NET-Framework-Features,NET-Framework-Core,NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ ...
Score: 0
Tobia avatar
How can I add the (virtual) ServerName value as customer Header in Apache2?
in flag

I would like to get the ServerName on the HTTP response of Apache in a custom header.

Something like this:

Header Set X-VirtualServerName "%{SERVERNAME}"

Please consider this string can be different from the "host" declared in the request by the client due to ServerAlias directive and the ServerName may change between virtualhosts.

Score: 0
Marvin avatar
How disable Postfix do not sent auto answer email to sender if the mail is spam?
eg flag

Debian, Postfix, Spamassassin. When postfix receive spam, postfix sent answer: 550 5.7.1 Blocked by SpamAssassin.

I can't disable it. How to not reject, but silently drop spam message? I don't want inform spammers, that my mailserver receive evil mail.


spamassassin unix -     n       n       -       -       pipe
  user=debian-spamd argv=/usr/bin/spamc -f -e
  /usr/sbin/sendmai ...
Score: 0
Venumadhav avatar
Does Codex Explain the COBOL code to natural language ( English)
mg flag

I found below info in the Azure site.

That is for Explain the Program Code to natural language ( English).

Codex's ability to create and understand code allows us to use it to perform tasks like explaining what the code in a file does. One way to accomplish this is by putting a comment after a function that starts with "This function" or "This application is." Codex will usually interpret this as th ...

Score: 0
Chandu Kiran Nukala avatar
Segementation fault uwsgi
hm flag

Not sure if it's a repetition question I'm able to run http but when using https I'm getting the errors. this is the config I'm using

shared-socket = :443 
protocol = https
https = =0,cert.crt,cert.key
master = true 
processes = 4 
threads = 2
wsgi-file = /home/ubuntu/project/ 
callable  = application 

this is the backtrace

*** backtrace of 18280 ***
uwsgi(uwsgi_backtrace+0x33) [0x5580ef3ad ...
Score: 0
DanRan avatar
What are the proper permissions and ownership (including wp-config.php and .htaccess) for Wordpress installations on a LEMP server
mx flag

I am running an Ubuntu based Linux/Nginx/MariaDB/PHP (LEMP), server with my Wordpress installation in the root account at /var/www/ My Wordpress is running as the www-data user, and Nginx is also running as the www-data:www-data user/group.

In my initial setup of Wordpress, I first changed the ownership of the root Wordpress directory to the Nginx user (www-data) recursively (and argu ...

Score: 0
The Archetypal Paul avatar
Running out of open files with sshd
cn flag

I have a Java application running in WSL2

I also have an ssh connection (in Windows) to a app server, and tunnel ports from the app server for a web server hosted on a second app server back to my application.

The application makes many connections to the web server as it loads pages. I am pretty confident it closes the connections correctly.

And yet, after a while, I get many "too many open files" er ...

Score: 0
Simon Giesen avatar
RApache get Query String from executing URL - howto?
pw flag

I would like to get the query string from the executing URL into my R. I've installed and configured R Apache. Everything works to this extend.

My R code so far is:

query_string <- Sys.getenv("QUERY_STRING")
cat("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n")
cat("Die Anfrage-URL ist:", query_string)

I get no information from QUERY_STRING. Why? Any tipps and tricks?

My executing URL is http://localhost/R/qu ...

Score: -1
thomas norimaki avatar
Local autologon-User should not be try to logon on Domain
de flag

Setting: Win 10 LTSC (1809,21H2,22H2) Local User has setup to autologon on local machine with netplwiz.(Kinda Kios-kmode without using Kiosk-mode() Works perfect for us and need to stay this way.

Now we transfered a bunch of Clients in a Domain, the local autologon must stay. Suddenly the local autologin user try to login on the domain as well. Our CS-Team send us this as info "4625 (User logon w ...

Score: 0
Snap E Tom avatar
Referencing External Files in a values.yaml configMap
ki flag

In the data: section of my values.yaml, I have a schema that gets a bit unwieldy. This schema is used in a configMap. Later, a Spark job uses this configMap to create tables. This file is getting big, so I am trying to split off each schema definition in its own file:

"schemas": {
        "core": {
            "tables": {
                "books": { "$ref": "../schemas/core/books.json"},
Score: 0
George Y avatar
How to catch the error output in shell when error code is not enough?
vn flag

I came across the script with if-else branch with a particular command succeed or not like this:

pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -w promote
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   echo: failure
   exit 1
   echo: succeed
   exit 0

It looks straight forward. But if the postgresql server it wanted to promote is already running as primary, it will also throw out an error code=1 and error message containing 'is no ...

Score: 0
nika gubelidze avatar
the freepbx queue.log union in asterisk one directory?
it flag

how to merge free pbx queue.log into one directory of asterisk ? I tried to combine them but in myphpadmin queue_name comes queuenumber and I don't want that.

Score: 0
George Y avatar
Is it possible to delay a systemd service indefinitely by "After" clause?
vn flag

Currently I am working on this issue: Service 1 is on another machine. Service 2 is on this machine but need Service 1 available to function. Service 3 is on this machine but need Service 2 to function.

I want to make two automatic starting systemd service for Service 2 and Service 3.

The script to start service 2 firstly check if service 1 is available, and if not, it will be stuck in check/sleep w ...

Score: 0
Debian: Set persistent winbind group for tape device
iq flag

A ProLiant server with Ultrium 6-SCSI tape driven by smartpqi, running Debian 10.13. Server is member of a Windows domain using winbind and nsswitch.conf: group: files winbind. Group membership of /dev/nst0 has been set to backup which is a group provided by winbind. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-tape-persistent-names.rules has been commented out to prevent Debian to create a local group backup at boot time ...

Score: 0
flm avatar
mysqldump in postrotate fails with automatic rotate
cn flag

I have this simple logrotate script

/var/backups/mysql/wordpress.sql.gz {
    rotate 7
        /usr/bin/mysqldump wordpress | /usr/bin/gzip >/var/backups/mysql/wordpress.sql.gz

This works fine when I run it by hand with logrotate -f script but not with the automatic rotate. I get an empty wordpress.sql so I a ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.