
Cannot boot after power cut while upgrading Ubuntu

in flag

While upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 to 21.04, the power of my PC was lost. After that my PC is not booting into Ubuntu.

vidarlo avatar
om flag
What is shown on screen? This has a huge bearing on what action to take.
24601 avatar
in flag
why have you tagged `dual boot` is there something else you are not sharing with us? please read [ask] then [edit] your question accordingly.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
It might also help if you're clear how you upgraded.. as 20.04 has two upgrade paths, (1) being to the next release which is 20.10, and (2) to the next LTS release after 22.04.1 has been released which is still in the future.. Neither upgrade path was from 20.04 to 21.04 so what you're describing won't occur if you use correct upgrade paths.
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [Lost power during upgrade, how do I recover?](

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