
How to install scanner brother dcp-7030 on ubuntu

cn flag

When I try to follow the instructions here: Scanner driver 64bit (deb package)

I get this error when I run this command in 3:

dpkg -i --force-all   brscan3-0.2.13-1.amd64.deb


error: required read/write access to the dpkg database directory /var/lib/dpkg

How do I resolve this issue? This is fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04 I think. I have no idea what this means and I am a linux newbie. All I need is a button on desktop to scan a document from the scanner, which is Brother dcp-7030.

kyodake avatar
ye flag
Try with: sudo dpkg -i --force-all brscan3-0.2.13-1.amd64.deb
cn flag

What worked for me on Ubuuntu 20.04 was:

download driver ("Scanner Setting file" not needed)

Install driver

sudo dpkg -i brscan3-0.2.13-1.amd64.deb

Put user in group scanner

sudo usermod -aG scanner $USER

setup sane

sudo /usr/local/Brother/sane/setupSaneScan3 -i

copy sane-files

sudo ln -sf /usr/lib64/sane/libsane-brother* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane


sudo nano /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libsane.rules 

there add

# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", MODE="0660", GROUP="scanner", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

and in

sudo nano /etc/sane.d/brother.conf


# Brother USB
# For libusb support for unknown scanners use the following command
# usb <vendor ID> <product ID>
usb 04f9 01eb

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