
iPod not syncing properly

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So I just pulled an old iPod Nano 4th gen out of my drawer and tried to sync it up with rhythmbox. I received an error but was able to fix it with

sudo mount -t hfsplus -o remount,force,rw /media/jonas/b47eb0c0-5c2e-3ea5-8f3a-aa37972d3287

I had 40 mp3s I wanted to sync with the device and had them under the music tab.

the music tab screenshot

I think I was able to sync the files properly, because when I click on the iPod (Ole Tea Glass) all the music is right there (along with the podcasts originally on the device)

my iPod from rhythmbox screenshot

Yet when I open my iPod it says there are zero songs and even zero podcasts, I think it might be a filesystem issue but I haven't been able to find any answers anywhere else.

I have also tried syncing with other programs like clementine (which didn't work) and gtkpod (which had a lot of GUI errors).

EDIT: For anyone who has this same problem, I just ended up downloading iTunes on a Windows device. I know this might not be that helpful but if you have an old laptop laying around that might be the way to go.


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