
changes to scaling_max_freq don't persist after edits

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So I'm trying to pump up my CPU's performance by editing scaling_max_freq in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq but for some odd reason, my changes don't actually go into effect. Instead, this happens. I have intel_pstate set to disable and processor.ignore_ppc set to 1, and my scaling governor set to userspace

My CPU is an Intel Celeron 4205U @ 1.80Ghz, 2 cores

Doug Smythies avatar
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That is the max when using the acpi-cpufreq CPU frequency scaling driver. the "01" part of 1801000 basically means turbo enabled.
CodeW avatar
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Is there any way to override it?
CodeW avatar
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Even if it means i have to build the driver myself i just want to be able to not be processing at a snail's pace
Doug Smythies avatar
gn flag
You shouldn't be. Perhaps describe the issue you are experiencing.
CodeW avatar
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I was exaggerating but still i would like to pump up my performance some, which is impossible because of the limits

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