
vsftpd LAN and WAN access configuration

cn flag

I'm using Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS baremetal, with the latest version of vsftpd. I have a very small FTP server at home, but I'm facing the following issue:

If I set the local IP on pasv_address (pasv_address=, I can connect locally, but not externally. If I set my external IP on pasv_address, I can't connect locally.

Is there any way to be able to use the FTP server, both LAN and WAN?

codlord avatar
ru flag
I thought you just DON'T specify pasv_address as the default is `none - the address is taken from the incoming connected socket`
John Balak avatar
cn flag
do you think it's safe like that?
cn flag

I fixed this, using my WAN IP on my internal FTP client. Probably not the best solution, but did the job.


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