
Cannot connect bluetooth W-Touch touchpad to ubuntu

in flag

I just bought a nice touchpad, working on Windows 10 but I'm not able to run it on Ubuntu 20.04 and I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it. Product link :

My bluetooth settings don't see it but in command line, with bluez, GATT or with this scan command I see it :

hcitool lescan

When I found the MAC adress I tried this command line with GATT tool :

gatttool -b <mac_adress> --addr-type=random --primary

I got this answer :

connect: Connection refused (111)

I try with bluetoothctl but the scan don't see the device.

I don't know what to do, I search on many forums which has similar problems with low-energy bluetooth but no one works in my case.

Some forums says to change the /etc/bluetooth/bluetooth.conf file but I just have these files in this folder : input.conf, main.conf and network.conf. And no lines matches with what they said. (Sorry I don't find anymore the forum ^^)

Any further idea ?

Trunk avatar
nc flag
+1 Same problem here. I wonder if anyone at all here cares about Bluetooth not working ?
cn flag
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