
Getting a simple KVM switch

kr flag

I have two laptops. I'd like to use one keyboard, one mouse, and one monitor. But the KVM switch that I bought doesn't work.

For both laptops, if I route through the KVM switch then something shows on the monitor, but it is only the background image (in one case it is a graphic and in the other it is just a color gradient). The files on the desktop, the mouse, and any open windows do not show on the monitor. Of course, they show on the laptop's screen if I do not use the KVM switch.

One laptop has Ubuntu 18, the other has a very fresh Ubuntu 20. I use Ubuntu Mate on both. Any suggestions about how to show the entire desktop (or perhaps a better term is both planes of the desktop?) would be gratefully received.

I'll list the graphic hardware spec for one machine in case it is helpful. I have a Dell Latitude E5470, with Mesa DR Intel Graphics 530 (SKL GT2). I am running 1920x1080 at 60 Hz (which I believe is well within the specs of the KVM switch). It also says that I am running X. On one laptop I am running the monitor via an HDMI outlet on the laptop. In the other, I am running via a dvi-to-hdmi adaptor, and then to the HDMI plug into the monitor (the HDMI port is physically blocked).

For a KVM switch, I bought whatever came up on Amazon. The box does not have a brand name, it just says "Made in China". It takes in two computers and outputs to one monitor.

If I need a higher-spec KVM switch, then I'd appreciate a person cluing me in about a good one to buy. But the fact that it shows the background plane suggested to me that something more is happening. I'd be very glad for any ideas.

ar flag
Do your laptop screens work while they are connected to the KVM? If so go to Settings>Display and see if the monitor is recognized. Then set the monitor to "mirror" the biult-in screen. As for a recommendation of hardware, KVM in this case, it is off-topic in this site.
estibordo avatar
in flag
Did you try [Barrier]( I use it and I love it to share my keyboard and mouse between the laptop and the desktop. It is a software based solution.
waltinator avatar
it flag
You could abandon KVM, network the two computers together, and use `ssh -X` or `ssh -Y` to display one on the other. Read `man -k ssh`, `man xhost`.
muru avatar
us flag
I’m voting to close this question because shopping recommendations are off-topic here
kr flag

The solution, from user68186, was to reset the displays. I went to the Control Center, selected Displays, and had it Detect the Monitors, then set the display to be the same in both windoww, then Apply. (This is even though I had already been displaying through this monitor.)


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