
Cannot access Directory rclone mounted to Google Cloud Storage

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I installed rclone and defined a remote "bucket_gcs" for my Google Cloud Storage. Then I successfully rclone mounted the remote to a Directory with the command:

sudo rclone mount bucket_gcs: /mnt/Google_Cloud_Storage

I can view my Google Cloud Storage contents in the mounted directory with commands:

sudo rclone ls /mnt/Google_Cloud_Storage

However whenever I cannot click into the Directory folder with a message: 'You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "Google_Cloud_Storage"'

I have tried the followings but still cannot enter the folder:

sudo chmod 777 /mnt/Google_Cloud_Storage sudo chmod -R ug+rw /mnt/Google_Cloud_Storage sudo chown $USER: /mnt/Google_Cloud_Storage

Can someone advise please?

Thanks Jeffrey

Jeff0129 avatar
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Resolved the issue executing all the rclone commands without "sudo".

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