
How can I change playback speed of mpv video player?

de flag

I love mpv player for its modern minimalist look, easy moving along a video simply with mouse scroll and robust rendering of .mp4 videos.

However, I could not figure out how to change the playback speed as I can do easily in VLC's playback menu. I simply can not see any GUI option to do so. Nor could I find a relevant configuration trick in the wiki.

So I appreciate your hints if there is a hidden button or a configuration tweak to define a shortcut key to do so. I'm using mpv on Ubuntu 18.04.

us flag

See the manual (or man mpv):

Keyboard Control


[ and ]
       Decrease/increase current playback speed by 10%.

{ and }
       Halve/double current playback speed.

       Reset playback speed to normal.

pk flag

man mpv(1) documents also --speed command line option (for short videos there is unpractical to use [ or { keyboard shortcuts):

$ mpv --speed=0.2 media.ogg

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