
Partly locked out of my computer after upgrading to 21.04

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I was upgrading my laptop to Kubuntu Hairy Hippo.(from 20.10) I thought I had been careful about checking for updates on 20.10 but the update warning came on soon after I started the update. I decided to let the update go through rather than interrupt the upgrade. When it finished, at first it seemed fine. When I tried to do an update of the new installation, it would not accept my password as a user. In fact, the computer doesn't even give me the opportunity to enter the password. The odd thing is that it accepts the password for login. I am typing this message on this computer. Also, I can't boot from a USB...if I could, I could fix it.

ChanganAuto avatar
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A few comments: (1) the ability to boot from external media has nothing to do with the installed OS or any release upgrade attempt. The same way you booted the installer when you installed it the first time IS the exact same way you should use now. (2) Your description of the problem is quite confusing: What was the "update warning"? Then it's unclear whether you rebooted or not. Also quite unclear is what you mean by it not accepting your password. (3) Although technically the "root user" exists you never login with it, the password is the same as your regular user (with `sudo`) (...)
ChanganAuto avatar
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Please the question and describe exactly what's happening, i.e., what exactly you're trying to do, what's expected to happen and what happens instead.

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