
cannot change theme of modelio - GTK_THEME variable doesn't work

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enter image description hereI use Ubuntu 18.04 and have set my default application theme to adwaita-dark. however Modelio looks awful in this otherwise wondeerful theme - for instance doesn't show a lot of things - as you can see in the screenshot i cant see the project names being displayed on the left panel until i click on them. I tried shifting dekstop app to .local/share/applications and changed the variable EXEC as -

Exec=env GTK_THEME=Adwaita:light /usr/bin/modelio-open-source4.1

but it does not change anything - modelio still launches with default application. i also tried -

Exec=env GTK_THEME=Adwaita /usr/bin/modelio-open-source4.1
Exec=env GTK_THEME=Ambiance /usr/bin/modelio-open-source4.1

none of these work. is there a solution?

N0rbert avatar
zw flag
On MATE with [deb-packaged version]( I see that ModelIO appearance is changing on theme change without any additional file edits. What is your desktop environment? Can you share a screenshot of ModelIO with non-wonderful appearance?
Anirudh Kochhar avatar
vu flag
okay just added a picture of the issue - i am using default ubuntu 18.04 so using gnome and changed my theme through tweaks!

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