
Cannot login to X.Org session anymore after some update in Ubuntu 20.04. Wayland works

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Heloo guys,

I am using dual boot window 10 and ubuntu 20.04 LTS with detail as attached picture. neofetch system info

Everything was fine until couple days ago after updating system I could not login to ubuntu. Actually, I can signin but after that just a purple green and mouse pointer and nothing else.

I googled and found the way to login by selecting gear icon on the right bottom which appear once focus on typing password. I select Ubuntu on Wayland and can log in to the ubuntu and happy.

But the problems happend

  1. Vokoscreen, kazam... recorded only black screen
  2. Default screen recording of ubuntu when pressing ctrl + shift + alt + R working fine but no sound
  3. Online video meeting via zoom still ok but i cannot share my screen due to wayland

I have tried few ways to fix the problem included disable wayland by edit file sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and deleted the # symbol to uncomment of WaylandEnable=false. But no luck due to once I login to normal ubuntu then just only purple screen and mouse pointer welcome me.

I have checked my nvidia MX150 drivers updated as picture attached nvidia drivers

Please advise!

us flag
Can you login to the default X.Org session after changing the proprietary drivers?
Vien Dev avatar
fo flag
After doing many command now I have 4 options on `gear` icon as this [picture]( --- `GNOME` and `Ubuntu on Wayland` can login but both could not using vokoscreen to record screen. --- I have GNOME X.Org session and could not login too. I have no idea about X.Org session, could you please advise?
us flag
Consider writing the fix as an answer, as that may help future users.
fo flag

First approach. I have checked and found the reason led to purple screen caused by Pixelsaver extension. So simple solution is remove that extension by following command on terminal sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver as instruction in this link then reboot linux and use can log in Ubuntu or X.Org as usual

Second way is remove and reinstall Full Gnome Desktop. At first, Uninstall gnome by command sudo apt-get remove gnome* then reboot. Once reboot you may get to black screen with error. Please no worry just access to TTY by comand ctrl + alt + F3 then log in to your account by command. Once login account in TTY command line mode, then you reinstall FULL GNOME DESKTOP via tasksel as Link here and once done reboot and you can log in to Ubuntu as usual.

Once log in I suggest you install gnome-tweaks and extenssions to customize your Desktop working environment. Happy Hacking guys


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