I need to use a Windows interfacing package on Ubuntu since I want to run Affinity Designer and the latter only runs natively on MacOS and Windows.
Following this procedure (or indeed using the Synaptic package manager) you reach a point where the installer asks permission to REMOVE the following packages and it then lists a long range of other Wine-unrelated applications on my PC:
apparmor-utils cheese deja-dup eog evince gdbserver git gnome-calendar
gparted inkscape iwd libc6-dbg libdvdcss-dev libdvdcss2 libevdocument3-4
libevview3-3 libnetplan0 libreoffice-calc libreoffice-gnome
libreoffice-gtk3 libssl-dev linux-headers-5.4.0-59-generic
linux-headers-5.8.0-55-generic lshw mesa-utils microsoft-edge-beta
mysql-workbench-community netplan.io nodejs openjdk-14-jdk
openjdk-14-jdk-headless openjdk-14-jre openjdk-14-jre-headless
opera-stable orca powertop python3-apparmor python3-brlapi
python3-libapparmor rsyslog shotwell simple-scan snapd strace
swi-prolog-nox thermald tmux ubuntu-advantage-tools ubuntu-minimal
ubuntu-standard uuid-runtime xbrlapi
Obviously I cannot delete hardly any of these applications (some are hardware drivers in fact) let alone all of them !
Can anyone with Wine experience explain the reason for this odd request ?
Do all of these apps depend on something vital to Wine or what ?
Let me be clear: I only want to run Affinity via Wine. All other apps - regardless of whether Wine can run them or not - will be run via Ubuntu 20.04.
I've added a screenshot of output when using the apt install command with a debug option. No advance on why an installation is interfering with existing installations and recommending removal of packages.