
How to install Old AMD Graphic Driver to the Lubuntu 18.04?

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So, i wondering how to install my Old AMD Graphic Card Driver, which is : AMD Radeon HD 6290

To the Lubuntu version : 18.04 LTS (32-Bit) My PC Architecture is x86 and its a laptop, so i cant upgrade any.

Because when i play any video, it just lagging and its not 7happening in Windows. The Desktop transition is kinda weird too. But the Perfomance is very good. I have 2 GB Ram.

Im sorry because im new to using Linux, is this driver has been Pre-Installed on Linux, if not, is there any way to install it, or other way to fix my lagging video and weird desktop transitions, please tell me. Thanks!

EDIT : Sorry for title misleading. And is there no way to install my driver when it was become EOL? If so, what i supposed to do? I cant upgrade to x64.

Kernel Version : 5.4.0-77-generic

guiverc avatar
cn flag
Are you aware that flavors of Ubuntu only come with three years of supported life (five years applies to Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server but not flavors), so you're asking about a release that is now EOL (*end-of-life*). See with support ending April-2021. Use `ubuntu-support-status` on your system to confirm the supported/unsupported packages & act accordingly (ie. how important is security to you, are you offline etc?)
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You haven't said what kernel stack you're using on your 18.04. You can use the 20.04 GA kernel stack on 20.04, ie. use Ubuntu 20.04's initial kernel modules (ie. *drivers*) as the 20.04 GA kernel is the 18.04 HWE option. Ubuntu LTS (& *flavors* like Lubuntu) provide two kernel stack choices, so that's your easiest way, as kernel modules (*drivers*) are tied to linux kernel in use. The *newest* Lubuntu is currently Lubuntu 21.04; or the 2021-April release; where you seem to be asking about a 7th from newest release of Lubuntu.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
The only reason I can think of for using Lubuntu 18.04 is you're on a i386 (32-bit) device. Check what *architecture* your device actually is, because 32-bit windows was $5 cheaper to OEMs so lots of 64-bit computers were sold with 32-bit windows because purchasers understood $5 cheaper a lot more than windows 32bit vs 64bit. I use a 2GB laptop in testing releases of Lubuntu, which include up to current *development* or *impish* release. If your device is off-line though, the partially EOL software is not really a concern.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
FYI: If you believe your release is the *latest* because where you got it from said it was, you didn't go to an official web site so I'd ensure you have legitimate software. Links to download Lubuntu 18.04 LTS were removed from Lubuntu's site end of April-2021 when it reached EOL. Don't ask google where legitimate sites are (it offers 3+ depending on your language of search used) but I'd go to for a legitimate Ubuntu flavor, ie. will take you to legitimate sites for all *flavors*.
Egalito avatar
in flag
Yes, very sorry for the title misleading, i was writing it when im tired, so i have laptop and only have x86 architecure with 2 gb ram, is there anyway to install the driver or its just will stuck with that driver because EOL?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You haven't said what kernel stack you're running on; ie. if you're using the GA stack (and thus 4.15 kernel) you can use later drivers by adding the HWE stack (see my second comment). I still use x86/pentium M laptops that are limited to i386/x86 myself; I have 2x that don't like the HWE stack so are limited to using the older GA stack; the rest I used in QA-testing are the same on both - but my second comment was your way. Your installation media dictated what was default (what you're using) unless you changed it, but you didn't give any clues as to any of that. `uname -r` will show your
Egalito avatar
in flag
When i type 'uname - r' it does show me this '5.4.0-77-generic' what i supposed todo now? (sorry i never use ubuntu before)
guiverc avatar
cn flag
If you were using the GA stack you'd see a 4.15 kernel, but you have a 5.4 kernel meaning you're already using the 20.04 stack (ie. 18.04 HWE which uses the 20.04 when at 18.04.5). That's the newest stack built for your *bionic* or 2018-April system.
Egalito avatar
in flag
So what i supposed to do next if i have 20.04 Stack? (its a little bit hard to understand your second comment as i never learn about it, but i tried to understand)

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