
why does apt update work on one internet (service provider) connection and not another?

ph flag

After a newly installed Ubuntu 20.04. Running sudo apt update on wifi and from a say internet service provider(isp) "A", gives me these errors:

E: Failed to fetch  403  Forbidden [IP: 80]
E: The repository ' focal InRelease' is no longer signed.

I then plug it into another fibre router, with different isp "B", and it works perfectly. I would like to always use this last fibre internet option.

How do I troubleshoot this?


pasting the two http address' into my web-browser works with the "broken" internet.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Looks like Service A (or somebody along that route) is actively blocking access to the mirror (`403 Forbidden`). Not much you can do about that. Contact ISP A to complain and/or try a different mirror.

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