I have a windows 10 OS on a Lenovo z50-70 laptop. It has a 1 TB HDD. The windows partition is set as C drive with 889 GB space. The laptop manufacturer set a D drive with remaining 25 GB as recovery partition. The C drive has about 700GB free space (refreshed my PC recently).
My Disk partitions as seen on Windows10 Disk Management Utility
I was trying to setup a dual boot with Ubuntu LTS. I had followed the installation steps as given on Ubuntu website and also other guides found during google search. I am able to boot into a USB live session. I am able to test the compatibility of my system. It seems good.
I proceed to install Ubuntu and select the 'Install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager' option as Ubuntu installer has detected my windows 10 os.
But, in the next step, the installer doesn't detect and display my C drive which has enough free space. It seems to detect only the D drive (the recovery partition created by laptop manufacturer) which has only about 17 GB free space. The disk partition/Space as shown during Ubuntu installation
Could anyone please let me know how I can resolve this issue? Is there a way to get Ubuntu installer to detect the space on C drive for partitioning it during installation? Or is there a separate workflow to install dual boot setup when there is a recovery partition present?