
suddenly system rebooted ,kernel offset and kernel panic error

es flag

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hi guys,

I'm unable to load my ubuntu system, its shown some error while loading OS.

i have important project files in system, need to recover my data.

please help me out.

I'm attaching error image.

heynnema avatar
ru flag
From the GRUB menu, are you able to boot to an older kernel?
Prashanth avatar
es flag
hi thanks for your respond, no i'm unable to boot older kernel. if possible please help me ,how to backup my files.
heynnema avatar
ru flag
Do you have access to a Ubuntu Live DVD/USB and an external hard disk? When you tried to boot, did you get to the GRUB menu? Did you select Additional Options, and then select an older kernel? Please describe EXACTLY how you tried to boot an older kernel.

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