
Cursor stuck on title bar with double monitor

br flag

I just bought a second monitor to use with my laptop, a vertical one. Aside from the difference in dpi, which I can live with (not easily fixed unless i blur the screen with xrandr scaling), my cursor gets stuck on the titlebar when trying to go from one screen to another. If the cursor passes the title bar, I can see its tail on the other screen but i have to go down a bit to go through. It's like a little hook, really annoying. The other screen is taller and I have to cross this spot a lot.

I don't even know how to describe this problem to google. Anyone got an idea to fix this?

zw flag

Go to "Activities" and search for "Display" Align the monitors if possible (I do not have Gnome nor 2 monitors- so thats a guess) If "Gnome" does not provide you with a decent interface to align your monitors try to install arandr:

sudo apt install arandr

Open a terminal or start "arandr" via the "Activities" search button...

More information can be found in this exhaustive forum: How to change monitor position/navigation?

Nathan avatar
br flag
I have already aligned them in the middle, where they're physically located. I can cross this spot from the right (2nd, vertical screen) to left, but not from left to right
kanehekili avatar
zw flag
Then you need to switch the monitors (in aranr, not physicially) Could you post a screenshot of your monitor layout? (with arandr)

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