
Error mounting /dev/sdc2 at /media/pc/NameHD: Unknown error occurring when mounting /media/pc/NameHD (Ubuntu 20.04)

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It is happening with many of my hard disk, all of them 4 Tb, all of a sudden. I do only have this Ubuntu, so no Windows involved so far. Maybe at their "youth", but I can't recall. The brand of the HDs is Toshiba. The data are all safe and sound: I checked on a friend's Mac and everything is fine and uncorrputed. What shall I do without risking to lose my data?

Knud Larsen avatar
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? Can you edit your question? ..... The mount command is missing ......
Alkaligrass avatar
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I am not using any mount command, just plug the HD in its usb socket on the laptop. Has always worked, now it stopped. I thought it can be due to NTFS formatting, but I have used these HDs for quite a time on Ubuntu - with some hiccup, i must say

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