
`chown postgres` of a subdirectory not working for a new disk

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To give postgres more space, I mounted a ssd at: /mnt/fast_data/

What I'd like to accomplish is to give the postgres user ownership to the postgresql directory, so it doesn't say permission denied.

$ sudo chown -R root:root /mnt/fast_data/
$ sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /mnt/fast_data/postgresql/

When I test with:

su postgres

postgres@my_machine:  cd /mnt/fast_data/postgresql

I get the error=>>

bash: cd: /mnt/fast_data/postgresql: Permission denied

It does work when I chown -R postgres:postgres /mnt/fast_data giving ownership over the entire new drive. But surely there's a way to to only give access to the sub-directory. postgres has ownership over var/lib/postgres even though var/lib is owned by root. Am I missing something in regards to additional drives?

Additional requested info:

$ sudo ls -ld /mnt/fast_data /mnt/fast_data/postgresql
drwxrwx--- 3 main_user main_user 4096 Jul 22 00:18 /mnt/fast_data
drwxr-xr-x 6 postgres  postgres  4096 Jul 18 22:07 /mnt/fast_data/postgresql
$ mount | grep /mnt/fast_data
/dev/nvme0n1 on /mnt/fast_data type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,x-gvfs-show)
zwets avatar
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What file system is `/mnt/fast_data` and how is it mounted? Please add to your question the output of `ls -ld /mnt/fast_data /mnt/fast_data/postgresql` and `mount | grep /mnt/fast_data`, to check that permissions are set correctly.
v1z3 avatar
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@zwets I added this ^^ info.
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The permissions on the /mnt/fast_data directory are drwxrwx---, meaning that user main_user and group main_user have full access (read, write, access), but all others have no permissions at all.

You need to chmod o+rx /mnt/fast_data so that its permissions become drwxrwxr-x, giving others the permission to see its contents and access it.


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